National Brotherhood Week

02 8 2021email 02
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.
Honor one another above yourselves.
-Romans 12:10

Little known, confusingly defined, rarely observed but desperately needed is National Brotherhood Week. National Brotherhood week is the second week of February, Black History Month. Although different organizations, religions, and peoples are mentioned in various accounts addressing this week, a single thread emerges from the research. That thread is an appeal for Christians and Jews to extend a hand of fellowship to each other. An even better clarity of this week is to see that it is an attempt to establish positive relationships between Jewish and Non-Jewish persons in America.

President Ronald Reagan delivered a National Speech Several times urging Americans to actively observe Brotherhood Week. However, I believe the most profound Speech addressing the heart of Brotherhood Week is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. He dreamed that “black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands… Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed that Jews and Gentiles would “Join Hands”.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed that Jews and Gentiles would “Join Hands”.

The dream remains unanswered to this very day. America is embroiled in toxic divisions. Perhaps a reminder of the primary goal in Ronald Reagan’s and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s appeal to Americans– to join hands in authentic Relationships, is a great reason to actively celebrate Brotherhood Week 2021 this week!

Shalom Aleichem and Happy Jerusalem Day,

Dr. Raleigh B. Washington Autograph
Portrait of Dr. Raleigh B. Washington

Dr. Raleigh B. Washington DD, MDIV

Dr. Raleigh Washington co-authored “Breaking Down Walls,” a winner of The Gold Medallion Book Award, and is president emeritus of Rock Church and Promise Keepers. Following Mother Theresa and Desmond Tutu, he was awarded Westminster College’s third Doctor of Peacemaking.

Raleigh Washington
Raleigh Washington

Dr. Raleigh Washington co-authored “Breaking Down Walls,” a winner of The Gold Medallion Book Award, and is president emeritus of Rock Church and Promise Keepers. Following Mother Theresa and Desmond Tutu, he was awarded Westminster College’s third Doctor of Peacemaking.

Articles: 26