Women are God’s sacred, delicate, creative, and sensitive creation. This requires all of us, especially men, to be carefully sensitive to this marvelous feat of Almighty God. A working definition of “Sensitivity”– Acquiring knowledge to relate empathetically to this precious creation of God — WOMAN!
My wife Paulette is a life long romantic. Hallmark is her favorite TV channel. She remembers all of our special times together and often talks about Puerto Rico where we both gave our lives to Jesus and reaffirmed our marriage vows as new believers in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah.
Despite all of this knowledge, I often fail to understand why she pouts if we watch TV together sitting on the sofa and I fail to sit close to her. Whenever I do sit close to her, she lights up with an expression that’s full of joy!
Men, discover the romantic trait God has placed in your wife.
Men, discover the romantic trait God has placed in your wife. The reward will be as Sarah spoke about Abraham– “Joy in my old age.” If you are young, you can have joy in your youth!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Shalom Aleichem and Happy Jerusalem Day,

Dr. Raleigh B. Washington DD, MDIV
Dr. Raleigh Washington co-authored “Breaking Down Walls,” a winner of The Gold Medallion Book Award, and is president emeritus of Rock Church and Promise Keepers. Following Mother Theresa and Desmond Tutu, he was awarded Westminster College’s third Doctor of Peacemaking.