
In interpersonal relationships struggles, offenses, misperceptions, woundedness, and unintended behavior are inevitable. When these behaviors are not dealt with and resolved, a foggy atmosphere of pain and unrest chokes away the joy and vibrancy in the relationship. Some will pretend that all is well, but the negative foggy atmosphere becomes recognizable to all when left unattended. This condition can fracture, divide, or destroy relationships. I have developed a biblical principle to remove this negative fog and restore joy to relationships.

We’re not unique. We’re quite volatile as individuals, but that doesn’t work exponentially when we are together. Relationships are about eating humble pie.

– Guy Ritchie

The principle is EMPOWERMENT — “The use of repentance and forgiveness to create complete freedom and a positive atmosphere in all relationships.”

Accepting responsibility and genuinely repenting always leads to heartfelt forgiveness which restores a positive and joyful relationship. This becomes reality when you memorize and use the nine most important words to all interpersonal relationships —

“I am sorry; I was wrong;

Please forgive me.”

These nine golden words are very effective for marriages, cross-cultural, parenting, and ministry relationships. The scripture that drives this principle involves the grace of Jesus (Yeshua).

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake, He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.” – 2 Corinthians 8:9

Grace is necessary to take responsibility and repent. Even more, grace is needed to forgive from the heart when you have been hurt.

Jesus is our example!

Shalom Aleichem and Happy Jerusalem Day,

Dr. Raleigh B. Washington Autograph
Portrait of Dr. Raleigh B. Washington

Dr. Raleigh B. Washington DD, MDIV

Dr. Raleigh Washington co-authored “Breaking Down Walls,” a winner of The Gold Medallion Book Award, and is president emeritus of Rock Church and Promise Keepers. Following Mother Theresa and Desmond Tutu, he was awarded Westminster College’s third Doctor of Peacemaking.

Raleigh Washington
Raleigh Washington

Dr. Raleigh Washington co-authored “Breaking Down Walls,” a winner of The Gold Medallion Book Award, and is president emeritus of Rock Church and Promise Keepers. Following Mother Theresa and Desmond Tutu, he was awarded Westminster College’s third Doctor of Peacemaking.

Articles: 26