
2 Corinthians 5:17

Is the relationship between Jewish and Gentile believers a noble gesture? A nice idea? An unrealistic expectation? A certain conflict? A mandatory Call of God?

If you choose the last statement you are biblically correct. While the Call is contained in John 17 and Ephesians 2, the mandatory nature of the Call is contained in 2 Corinthians 5:17-21. Verse 17 describes the recipients as “New creations through Christ.” Verses 19 and 20 describe the mandatory ministry of Reconciliation of all believers. The foundation of the Call is based on the finished work of Yeshua upon the cross. He knew no sin yet He became sin on our behalf, so that we could become the righteousness of God (Declared Saints).

Take some measured time to meditate on the reality, purpose, and price paid for this Call. I believe the Spirit of God will motivate you to accept and live out this mandatory CALL!

Raleigh Washington
Raleigh Washington

Dr. Raleigh Washington co-authored “Breaking Down Walls,” a winner of The Gold Medallion Book Award, and is president emeritus of Rock Church and Promise Keepers. Following Mother Theresa and Desmond Tutu, he was awarded Westminster College’s third Doctor of Peacemaking.

Articles: 26