Our calling from Almighty God is to be an instrument to ignite a restoration and revival of Israel that will impact the world. This will happen as we inspire Gentile believers to connect with Jewish believers. This connection will foster …The Power of One!
Oneness is the essence of God’s heart as it relates to His desire for the Body of Messiah. Ephesians 4 reflects that there is one body, spirit, hope, faith, baptism, and one God. As believers, we are to stand firm in one spirit, with the same mind, striving for one faith. We create joy when we have the same mind, maintaining a solitary love, united in one spirit, intent on a sole purpose; reflecting the attitude of Yeshua (Jesus). Marriage reflects that the two become ONE which is also God’s idea!
The power of this oneness yields joy, peace, fulfillment, and victory. Marriage would not end in divorce and family members would not be at odds when the Power of One accomplishes what the Word of God promises. This is the same oneness Yeshua prayed and died for—between Jewish and Gentile believers. It is easy to express but very difficult to achieve (John 17; Ephesians 2).
However, there is a principle that can accomplish this Oneness! This principle will work in marriages, families, churches, and friendships. The principle that will bring Jewish and Gentile believers together as ONE is found here in Philippians 2:4.
“Do nothing from selfishness or empty concert, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than yourself.”(Philippians 2:4 NASB)
My desire is to see this happen between Jewish and Gentile Believers. The added benefit is an enriched marriage, family, congregation, and nation! This is THE POWER OF ONE!
This year The Road to Jerusalem relaunched the ministry in Newport News, VA. Following the conference, it was our desire to continue the momentum with additional conferences; however, a lack of financial resources prevented us from having additional conferences this year. What have we been doing since our relaunch? The Road to Jerusalem has been efficiently conference planning, we are looking to host our next conference in San Diego, CA where we have already established partnerships and scouted potential locations for a conference in 2020. We’ve hosted several mixers, which are small gatherings where we share the message to potential partners and investors. One of the mixers took place in San Diego so the ground is ripe and ready for harvest. We’ve also been establishing administrative systems to create a solid foundation for work flow. Our home office staffs three members of our team and the three of us are working diligently to grow, expand, and establish the ministry. Previously, The Road to Jerusalem was housed under Promise Keeper’s; we are now independent and singularly focused on the mission of the ministry. This is why your support is critical! The passion is strong but the resources are few. Please prayerfully consider your generous investment into oneness and unity in the body of believers.