
We all know and understand the biblical concept of placing others before ourselves. However, we are all faced with regular circumstances of taking care of ourselves which is the natural thing to do; such as speeding in the grocery store’s parking lot to get that close to the door last parking space before that oncoming SUV; or cutting back on my tithe because the pandemic suggests that I must plan for an income shortfall. There is a biblical principle driven by an attitude that results in instinctively allowing the SUV to have the better parking spot and refusing to consider cutting back on my tithe. The principle is SACRIFICE – – “Giving up a higher position or status to genuinely adopt a lesser position to facilitate a harmonious relationship.” This principle is described in Philippians 2:3-4: 

“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interest of others.”

The SUV was driven by the wife of the Mission’s Pastor and the full tithe was needed to complete the financial obligations of the church. Much more importantly is the fact that an attitude of considering the needs of your spouse, children, or Christian friends as more important than your own, guarantees vibrant, successful, and joyous RELATIONSHIPS! Sacrifice driven by selfless humility – – the key to joy in every interpersonal relationship.

The greater the sacrifice

the greater the love

Milton Olive, a 19-year old African American soldier from Chicago, used his body to smother an enemy hand grenade thrown in the midst of Milton and four white soldiers in his platoon in Vietnam. Milton was killed instantly but none of the four soldiers were injured. He received the Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery above and beyond the call of duty – – Posthumously! This was the epitome of considering others as more important than yourself!

“What should you sacrifice for your…?”

Shalom Aleichem and Happy Jerusalem Day,

Dr. Raleigh B. Washington Autograph
Portrait of Dr. Raleigh B. Washington

Dr. Raleigh B. Washington DD, MDIV

Dr. Raleigh Washington co-authored “Breaking Down Walls,” a winner of The Gold Medallion Book Award, and is president emeritus of Rock Church and Promise Keepers. Following Mother Theresa and Desmond Tutu, he was awarded Westminster College’s third Doctor of Peacemaking.

Raleigh Washington
Raleigh Washington

Dr. Raleigh Washington co-authored “Breaking Down Walls,” a winner of The Gold Medallion Book Award, and is president emeritus of Rock Church and Promise Keepers. Following Mother Theresa and Desmond Tutu, he was awarded Westminster College’s third Doctor of Peacemaking.

Articles: 26